We recognise that Freehold Landlords require the expertise of a professional managing agent to help them manage their portfolio and take away the added stress of dealing with maintenance issues, chasing debts and worrying about whether the ever-increasing legislative requirements have been met.
At Broadoak we build close working relationships with Freehold Landlords, often Commercial Investors, which is built on trust and integrity. This is supported by clear and simple communication which keeps them informed of any major issues or concerns.
The aim is simple and that is to protect the Freehold Landlords investment and retain the instruction for the long-term.

The Key Benefits for Freeholder Clients
- Broadoak will provide a single point of contact for Clients so that there is a clear channel of communication in respect of any issues or concerns
- We will ensure that the transfer of management is seamless and deal with all communications to the Customers
- Full contractor management, including the creation of cyclical works specifications, tendering, examination / challenge of contractor invoices (if necessary) prior to payment
- Management of landlord utility supplies, ensuring correct level of VAT is applied and the supply is on a cost-effective rate
- Proactive management of lease / transfer breaches ensuring Clients are updated on any breaches that progress beyond an initial letter and require Solicitor involvement
- Comprehensive processing of property sale enquiries and consent management if required
- Buildings Insurance Policy and Claims assistance if required
- Providing development specific Welcome Packs to new owners and Resident Guides to existing owners to promote community living and to reduce queries moving forward
- Reviewing expenditure throughout the year to enable early budget construction and to ensure that costs are in line with budgets
- Financial reports can be provided to Clients when required
- Providing emergency out-of-hours support / service to assist Customers and to ensure that your Freehold investment is protected in the event of a maintenance emergency
- Invoice and collect Ground Rents on your behalf if required